"Atvirukas" allows you to create personal postcards and sends them out for you.
"Atvirukas" requires modern browser. It is tested with Chrome, Firefox and Safari (desktop and mobile).
While we hope that "Atvirukas" user interface is simple and intuitive, you might want to know more details. The process contains following steps:
- Select postcard template
- Design postcard's front side
- Design postcard's back side
- Make final decisions
- Repeat steps 1-4 if you want to create more than one postcard
- Make payment
Select postcard template
For postcard's front side you can select a template with predefined set of image and text fields. If you feel creative then you can select empty template and add fields yourself.
Design postcard's front side
Front side has following controls:
Rotate front side of postcard. Feel free to rotate front side in the middle of process.
Add image field to front side of postcard.
Add text field to front side of postcard.
Toggle grid view. Grid allows to move and resize fields every 5 mm.
Image field controls
When you select image field you get following controls:
Add or replace image in image field from your computer, phone or another device. When you add image you can zoom and pan it using controls or two fingers gestures.
Rotate image inside field right.
Flip image on vertical axis.
Move field to the top. Field in the top will not be covered by other fields when fields overlap.
Move field to the bottom. Field in the bottom will be covered by other fields when fields overlap.
Unlock/lock field. Locked field cannot be moved, resized, rotated and deleted.
Delete field.
Text field controls
When you select text field you get following controls:
- You can change font and font size.
Make selected text bold.
Make selected text italic.
Align text left.
Align text center.
Align text right.
Justify text.
Change text color.
Move field to the top. Field in the top will not be covered by other fields when fields overlap.
Move field to the bottom. Field in the bottom will be covered by other fields when fields overlap.
Unlock/lock field. Locked field cannot be moved, resized, rotated and deleted.
Delete field.
Make final decisions
Lastly you can make some final decisions:
Preview - You can click this button to see how printed postcard will look like.
If you want to send same postcard to multiple addresses then you can duplicate it.
Lastly you can delete the postcard that you don't need anymore.
Make payment
Here you can simply click "Buy" button.
If you have concerns, requests or questions write to in English or Lithuanian language.